January 10, 2012
Play Star Wars: The Old Republic with a Controller!
Ok, so I’m sitting here watching the BCS National Championship betweenLSU and Alabama and all I can think about is how awesome Star Wars: TheOld Republic has been so far. You see, my main experience playingMMORPGs is from EverQuest and I barely played any World of Warcraft.Needless to say, both WoW and SW:TOR are leaps and bounds above EverQuest in just about every way. Graphics,play style, availability of Ventrilo and Mumble, level of enjoyment,and a series of incredibly captivating storylines all make this latestaddition to the MMO world a home run.
The main character I’ve been playing is currently a level 36 JediSentinel (yeah, yeah, I know it seems like everyone went Sentinel atfirst), but I’ve played a Trooper and a Jedi Consular up to about level8, as well. I’ve played one Empire character, but I’ve always been moreof a fan of the Republic line of thinking anyway, so they are who I’vestuck with--oh well, to each his own. Regardless, I haven’t beendisappointed by any of the characters I have played, they are all really fun.
Here at Joystix Pro,we love gaming, so we realize the importance of providing all who wantit with the ability to play their favorite games with a controller.You’ve probably guessed this but I also love gaming with a controller,and Star Wars: The Old Republic is a great game to play with acontroller.
Anyway, we wanted to let you all know that if you’re looking for a wayto play Star Wars with a controller, you can now do so at no cost.Joystix Pro is proud and excited to officially announce the release ofour free Star Wars: The Old Republic Stik. If you want to give it a shot, try it now for free by downloading it here [this link is a direct download].
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support! We certainlyappreciate ALL feedback, whether it be good or bad, because whateverinformation we can get from you--the real backbone of Joystix Pro--allowsus to continually improve what we do and how we approach findingsolutions to problems (not to mention finding the problems themselves!).So please, feel free to let me know what you think!
Happy New Year!
Clayton Mayo
Vice President of Strategic Operations
Blue Orb, Inc.
Ok, so I’m sitting here watching the BCS National Championship betweenLSU and Alabama and all I can think about is how awesome Star Wars: TheOld Republic has been so far. You see, my main experience playingMMORPGs is from EverQuest and I barely played any World of Warcraft.Needless to say, both WoW and SW:TOR are leaps and bounds above EverQuest in just about every way. Graphics,play style, availability of Ventrilo and Mumble, level of enjoyment,and a series of incredibly captivating storylines all make this latestaddition to the MMO world a home run.
The main character I’ve been playing is currently a level 36 JediSentinel (yeah, yeah, I know it seems like everyone went Sentinel atfirst), but I’ve played a Trooper and a Jedi Consular up to about level8, as well. I’ve played one Empire character, but I’ve always been moreof a fan of the Republic line of thinking anyway, so they are who I’vestuck with--oh well, to each his own. Regardless, I haven’t beendisappointed by any of the characters I have played, they are all really fun.
Here at Joystix Pro,we love gaming, so we realize the importance of providing all who wantit with the ability to play their favorite games with a controller.You’ve probably guessed this but I also love gaming with a controller,and Star Wars: The Old Republic is a great game to play with acontroller.
Anyway, we wanted to let you all know that if you’re looking for a wayto play Star Wars with a controller, you can now do so at no cost.Joystix Pro is proud and excited to officially announce the release ofour free Star Wars: The Old Republic Stik. If you want to give it a shot, try it now for free by downloading it here [this link is a direct download].
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support! We certainlyappreciate ALL feedback, whether it be good or bad, because whateverinformation we can get from you--the real backbone of Joystix Pro--allowsus to continually improve what we do and how we approach findingsolutions to problems (not to mention finding the problems themselves!).So please, feel free to let me know what you think!
Happy New Year!
Clayton Mayo
Vice President of Strategic Operations
Blue Orb, Inc.