Video Demos

Video Demos

Below, you will find a collection of videos designed to better acquaint yourself with Joystix Pro through informative demonstrations. Among them, we include a general overview of the features of Joystix Pro, a how-to install and use Joystix guide, and further guidance on some of the more sophisticated games, like World of Warcraft and Age of Conan.

If you have videos that you’ve recorded, send them in for a chance to have your video featured on our website, and to win free memberships and other fun stuff!

Stix Studio HowTo Screenshot Play Video

How to Use the Joystix Pro Stix StudioHow to: Joystix Pro's Stix Studio Video Guide

How to Play WoW with Controller Still Play Video

How to Play WoW Using Joystix Pro

CODMW3 Play Video

Play Modern Warfare 3 on a PC with Joystix Pro

Installing Joystix Pro from start to finish Play Video

Installing Joystix Pro from start to finish

SWTOR Still2 Play Video

SW:TOR Space Mission: Balosar Outpost with an Xbox 360 Controller

Free Download

Download Joystix Pro Today and play our favorite games on your controller automatically and easily.

Works with XP - Windows 10!